Name Tags for the Madison Cares Halloween Party

Every year, Madison Cares works to create a fun Halloween party for it’s staff. They work hard so they play hard (as they should). This year, they decided to do a murder mystery party. I was chosen to host this party and to create name badges for each of the characters. This “Once Upon A Time” themed party had players with similar names to the classic fairytale stories so I used those doppelgangers to create name tags that best represented each character. Some had more detail than others depending on the size of the character’s name. The designs were kept small as to not detract from others reading their name. It was instead created to accent the name and to give all players an idea of who this character was supposed to be based on. It didn’t take long to brainstorm and create these ideas. Due to the time crunch, I did not have the opportunity to sketch these designs before creating them but I believe most kinks were worked out during the designing process. Below I have included every name tag created for the party.

Want to learn more about this murder mystery party? Check out Once Upon a Murder Mystery HERE to learn more.

Also check out these great tips on how to host a murder mystery party HERE.

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