Newborn Barn Swallows Aren’t Baby at All!

I was on my way to church one morning when I noticed something odd on the ground. It looked like a bunch of flower petals clustered together. Upon further examination, I discovered it was in fact, a ton of bird poop. Many of you may not know this, but if there is a great amount of bird poop on the ground, chances are, there’s a bird nest nearby. Sure enough, I looked up and discovered four little baby barn swallows! The funny thing was, these baby barn swallows weren’t baby at all! They were almost as big as their mother! I was fascinated by them but knew I couldn’t watch them with all these people around. It might disturb them. I came back a couple hours later after everyone had cleared out to capture these images. The amazing thing I discovered was both the mother and the father barn swallow were hunting down food for their babies. Barn swallows are confident birds and apparently work hard to care for their babies together. Barn swallows often mate for life making this small family of six, even more adorable. Baby barn swallows can often be found high off the ground away from predators. Barn swallows love to nest near bodies of water and are fairly adaptable birds. Next time you see signs of bird life, lift your head up and see if there’s a small family nesting above you!

Want to learn about raising baby barn swallows? Check out this page!

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